Achievements are not the thing we get only as certificates, medals, awards etc by institution, organization etc. We can also get achievement in different manner.
According to me, the biggest achievement of anyone is to know him or her soul a little bit. When i was a child then I always hear about Gold medels, Awards etc and shocked and restless, think that how can i get those type of achievements. In the High school i met a artist, Arvind Mandal from whom i was inspired then i started to learn drawing from him. He always said "Don't rush into awards, medals etc just do your job ( paint ) well." On that moment i understand what was he trying to say but when i art comes in my life as a career then i realize what he say is truth. In the huge world of art, we forget every artwork contains creativity not any awards or medals.
In the present time, my whole life is changed because of art. It gives me a lot like as peace, creative thinking, joyful life etc.My greatest achievement is this.
Inspiration ideas are all around us – everywhere an artist ventures, who they speak with, what they experience, and everything an artist does outside of the art field.
I belongs to a fisherman's Family. So from childhood i always surrounded with fishes, boats, net and fishermen & fisherwomen. I hear a lot of stories related to fish, Mermaid ( Jalpari ), boat etc from my parents. I also travel a lot in the different places in India. I really happy and wonder to see fishes in ponds, rivers, well etc as well as the people who catch fishes. Those moment or images, what did i like, I drew it on the wall, floor, paper etc. This is the biginning inspiration of my artwork. When i grew up then i attract with girls expression , body gestures & postures. The soft nature of female and the way she is devoted to a perticular male that attracts me a lot.
When you saw my paintings and all type of artwork then you get boat, net, mermaid as female, Fisherman, river etc are the basic element.
Art is different kind of people activities and the products of those activities. It is very difficut to define art because art is a type of a language. it is a means of union among men, joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress toward well-being of individuals and of humanity. Art is the desire of a man to express himself, to record the reactions of his personality to the world he lives in.
Art is a discovery and development of elementary principles of nature into beautiful forms suitable for human use. An essential element of any art is risk. If you don’t take a risk then how are you going to make something really beautiful, that hasn’t been seen before ?
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